Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Virtual travel

I remember how it started. There I was, in a 2 bedroom unit in Auckland, having just moved there in the last month with Joff and Bea, who was 5 months old at the time.

It was raining. Bea was probably putting her feet in her mouth, or trying to reach for a toy. It seemed like it had rained every day that week. And it was before I realised that in Auckland in winter, you just go out in the rain. Because otherwise you would not get out.

And it happened. I had one of those panicked moments, like a lot of new mums, and thought- this wasn’t quite what I had expected. Now don’t take that comment the wrong way. I loved my beautiful newborn daughter, I loved my husband, and I looked forward to my daily walk out the door around the beautiful tree-lined streets of Auckland that looked out over the harbor. But I was still in the eat, sleep, poop, repeat stage of life with an infant. I felt like I was a bit trapped. Was I really going to become a suburban mum in the city with a dog and a vegie patch? Don’t get me wrong, I quite like to sound of that. But I wasn’t ready for that. I still had have itchy feet.

So when Bea went down for her nap I sat down with a cup of tea and opened the laptop and googled “families going on adventures” or something like that. And when the search list came up I sighed. It was exactly what i as searching for. 

Turns out there are lots of amazing people out there who have even more itchy feet that I do! And a lot of them had written a similar post to this one explaining that they just weren’t ready to “settle down.” They were full of phrases like "wanderlust" and "life outside the box". That afternoon I virtually travelled from Costa Rica, to the alps in Europe, and then sailing in the Bahamas. There was a world of opportunities. And to make it even better, all of these people were doing it with kids.

I still read a lot of those blogs today. They have helped me get here. They have helped me realise that kids can enhance the journey rather than prevent it. 

So, if you also have itchy feet, a newborn asleep on your shoulder who doesn’t want to put down, or a toddler who just had a total meltdown, grab yourself a wine/coffee/hot milo/lactation tea and enjoy. But be warned, it is kind of addictive!

Brittany is a fantastic writer who set sail on a yacht with her husband and few years ago from the US. Since then she has documented her experiences sailing with a toddler. She is currently back in the US as she has newborn twins but her blog has many archives that make excellent reading for some inspiration to live life outside the box!

I got to this blog about another family sailing full time through windtraveler. They have two young girls and have recently settled in the Dominican Republic to do some work for an NGO.

Dani is a great photographer who is currently living in India with her 2 kids, having previously lived in China, and is about to move to Milan. Great insights into what it is like to be an expat.

A family that have been travelling for nearly 2 years with their 2 children all over the world.

This was the website I found that blew my mind. And I think when Joff got home that evening and was listening to my ramblings it was when I mentioned this family that he gave me the look that I think equates to “oh my gosh, my wife has gone crazy”. I may have been suggesting we cycle through cuba with our 6 month old daughter.

Another nomadic family with their children living and travelling around the globe.

A lot of people know Design mom. Although not really a travel blog, for those who don’t know she move to rural france with her husband and six (6!) kids for 2 years. Some really interesting reading.

Cup of jo motherhood series

Cup of Jo is a really popular blog by Joanna who lives in NYC. While on maternity leave she did a series called motherhood around the world which interviewed various Amercians living abroad with children and the different experiences they were having. Find the link here.

Do you have any blogs that you follow? Any other blogs that inspire you to lead a life less ordinary? I would love to hear about them if you do!

A world away from Auckland. Northern Laos

Kuang Si waterfall, Luang Prabang

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