Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Its getting hot here

We researched a lot of things about Laos before we accepted the position for the year.  It’s always good to do your research. And we knew it would be hot. What we didn’t realise was just how hot.

I had always thought of Laos as being up in the highlands, up in the area of northern Thailand, and hence, a bit cooler than other parts of South East Asia. Oh, how ignorant I was!

When we arrived we were pleasantly surprised by how “cool” it was. However over the last 2 weeks or so it is really starting to heat up. I’ve noticed each day the aircon is getting turned on a fraction earlier, and we are craving fresh fruit shakes.  

It’s relentless. 38 degrees, or so every day. And humid. Locals keep telling us it is hot, which at least makes us feel that it isn’t just a “falang” thing. I am seriously considering the use of an umbrella to provide some shade while I walk.

The other thing that has surprised us is the haze. I never really out the concept of smog and Vientiane together. There aren’t that many cars. It’s not that big of a city. But it is hazy. You can look straight at the sun at any time of day. The sky is never blue. It’s strange. People have told us it is the rice field burning that occurs at this time of year, and the dust.

Apparently we have another month of this. Relentless heat and humidity. However the last few days the sky has been slightly less hazy, the humidity in the morning slightly greater, and a few locals have commented on the possibility of rain. I’m not sure if it will actually happen, but I have never been so hopeful for a thunderstorm before. Here’s hoping it brings a slightly cooler temperature, and a little slice of clear sky.

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